Standing Desk w/ Bill Anderson & Roy Underhill

Standing Desk w/ Bill Anderson & Roy Underhill
Five Days
Standing Desk with “Rebuttment” joint corners.
In this five-day class, you’ll make a proper standing desk - with most “improper” corner joints. The height is your choice, the size is 24” by 19”, the lid is framed with a central panel - all traditional - except for the corners that combine both dovetail and mortise and tenon joints in a most unusual way- the elusive rebuttment joint.
This class is a variant of our five-day workshop of traditional hand tool joinery and cabinetry is a concentrated introduction to classic bench work. Roy Underhill, former master craftsman at Colonial Williamsburg, conducts the full course along with author, teacher and artisan par exellence Bill Anderson. You’ll have proper vintage tools to work with, including both wooden and metal planes as we begin with seasoned timber and conclude with the ready-to-finish cabinetry.
Materials fee including all prep work on poplar for standing desk (but exclusive of hardware) approximately $125-$150 payable to Bill Anderson during class. This varies with the market price of top-grade poplar stock.
Five Days - 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
About the “Rebuttment” joint:
We had long thought about adding a standing desk to our class offerings, but the challenge of getting the dovetailed desk to precisely match the mortise and tenon framed lower half can frustrate beginners. Desks can easily be made with just mortise and tenon joints at the corners, but I did not want to give up the dovetail aspect of the project. One day, in a flash, it came to me - cut both types of joints on the ends of each skirting board!
Later that same day, Bill Anderson and his brother came over to help me move firewood ahead of a hurricane. I sketched out the joint for him to look at, but before I could show it to him, Bill began enthusiastically sharing tales of their recent visit to historic battlefields in the northeast. In his rush to describe the old fortifications, the words “redoubt” and “abutment” became co-mingled and came out as '“rebuttment”.
What better name for a combined dovetail-mortise-tenon joint could you ask for?
Bill took up the challenge like a dog on a bone and developed the first working model of the joint and a prototype of the standing desk. Bill is a master joiner and has worked out the kinks, but how difficult it will be for this class to execute remains to be seen!
Traveling by Air and Need Help to Ship Your Project Home?
Please Read!
Ed Lebetkin in the tool store often coordinates shipping. You can make your own arrangements to ship your project home, but when Ed helps, here’s how it works:
Consider leaving the parts dry-fitted and un-glued for shipping. This may be the best approach for the standing desk.
Ed can help deliver this desk to a packing/shipping company, and you can complete the arrangements with them.
Please refer any questions to Ed at