Making Moulding Planes w/ Stephen Slocum

Making Moulding Planes w/ Stephen Slocum
Three Days
Fri, Mar 13 - Sun, Mar 15, 2020
Make your own traditional side escapement molding plane using traditional tools and floats. You can choose from six molding plane profiles: cove, thumbnail, ovolo, ogee, reverse ogee, and cove w/ astragal.
We'll cut and shape the irons for the planes, harden and temper them, and then sharpen and tune them for a lifetime of beautiful moldings!
This workshop requires some skill at handtool woodworking, the ability to accurately lay out with knife and pencil and, importantly, the ability to cut up to but not over layout lines.
Stephen Slocum is a most excellent plane-maker and I recommend this class most highly!
Materials fee $45 payable directly to instructor on day of class
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